Swiss Needle Cast

Swiss needle cast symptoms on Douglas fir.

What You Need to Know

Swiss needle cast is a disease caused by a fungus that lives in the needles of Douglas-firs. The fungus is extremely common and usually harmless, but sometimes it kills foliage. It's native to the western U.S., but got its name because it was first discovered in Switzerland.

Are My Woods At Risk?

Swiss needle cast affects only Douglas-firs. It can flare up anywhere Douglas-firs live. In recent years, it has been very active along the coast of Oregon and southwest Washington, where a lot of Douglas-firs have been planted. These maps show the area of the Oregon coast affected by Swiss needle cast.

Because its effects are mostly cosmetic, it can be particularly damaging in Christmas tree plantations, where the trees need to look perfect.

With the right information, you can protect your woods. Start by learning how Swiss needle cast affects your trees, or jump to steps for damage control or prevention. And remember, help is always available.

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