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Question Post date Answerssort descending
Do i need a forester to assess my woodlot resource 8+ acre property to make improvements to existing residential areas on property? Like wildfire prevention improvements? 3 years 8 months none
How can I make my flooded area healthy again. 2 years 5 months none
I have recently needed to put in a road to allow access to my home because of DOT taking my access for the new road. Since I am in a area deemed to be wetland i thought to put in a temporary road to access my future timber.. thus a timber road! how can I 7 years 3 months none
Subdivision next to my land has a Laguna draining onto my property without my permission. What can I do 6 years 1 month none
Hi , I would like to know how to create hiking trails? 3 years 6 months none
Im living on 12 acers how do i sell my timber 2 years 4 months none
For 25 years we are overwelmed with marijuana plants growing on our wood lot. We have cut them down and burned them and used herbicide but they keep coming back in a new location. What can we do to get rid of them. 8 years 4 months none
Need some guidlines on who to contact 1st to go about getting my land better setup for wildlife habitat and making it a healthier woods. I have 160 acres in Schoharie County NY. 7 years 2 months none
Selling the timber 6 years 3 weeks none
Logging Question 3 years 4 months none
How do I get the most out of my property?! 2 years 1 month none
i have been planting Dunstan Chestnuts, have about 12 and plan to plant more, also many oaks, and adding PawPaw, 7 years 1 month none
Can someone provide a ballpark cost of having a Forester review my property (115 Acres of 50+yr old woods). 5 years 11 months none
Thin to improve forest health and diversity 5 years 4 months none
How do I find someone to buy my timber in Lexington county south carolina? 3 years 2 months none
We want to clear about 3 arces of trees. Would that cost and could we sell that wood? 1 year 6 months none
Only 5 acres wooded 10 years 9 months 1
I already have a written management plan as a Word Doc. How can I link or download that to My Land Plan? 11 years 9 months 1
Trees on land 10 years 3 months 1
Does the county or state offer no charge ID help? 11 years 6 months 1
Land management, Tree planting 9 years 11 months 1
we used to always purchase Doug fir seedlings from elkton nursery. I would like suggestions for local source 2-2 trees 11 years 3 months 1
Can you explain timber depleton? 11 years 2 weeks 1
We are interested in leasing out our land. Need assistance leasing it out. Thanks! 12 years 4 months 1
I have about 20 acres of land that I would like to cut down some of the trees on for profit. 8 years 11 months 1
I register for tree farm certification in 2004, when will I be able to purchase a tree farm sign? 10 years 11 months 1
I am trying to register as a Forester, don 12 years 2 weeks 1
How do I print a copy of my Land Plan property map? 10 years 9 months 1
A pipeline easement has clearcut a 90 x 1500 ft plot of forested land in my 100 A in central Ohio. 11 years 8 months 1
Handling invasive species of plants 7 years 1 week 1
I need help figuring out how to better plan this area for my deer lease. Can you help me or guide me to someone who can? 10 years 2 months 1
Should i post my land, do i need insurance if someone goes on it and is hurt. 11 years 6 months 1
When to burn? 9 years 10 months 1
water source 11 years 3 months 1
I'm looking to plant about 1/2 an acre to attract more deer. Thinking of planting white clover.....any recommendations or suggestions? 11 years 6 days 1
how do i keep sweet gum trees out my woods 12 years 4 months 1
New Timber Landowner. Completely Overwhelmed. 8 years 11 months 1
How do I produce a printed management plan (maps, included) from the My land plan tool? 10 years 11 months 1
import map features 12 years 1 week 1
Is it a good idea to implement hinge cutting on my property? How do I identify the best are to hing cut? 11 years 8 months 1
Has anyone had experience with selling spruce and pine for pellets, mulch, or pulp. I am looking for contacts that may be interested in cutting 25 acres of dense pine. Thanks 10 years 2 months 1
Attract Wild Turkey 11 years 6 months 1
How to get out of a logging contract? 5 years 10 months 1
First thin ... 9 years 10 months 1
I own 65 acres of property near Cortland, N.Y. The property was a Christmas tree farm back in the 70's. There are 50 acres of varying species of pine and spruce trees, many in the 6" to 10" diameter range. I would like to remove at least 50% of the 11 years 2 months 1
Poison Ivy 9 years 6 months 1
How do I erase the plotting I originally entered as it was erroneous? 11 years 3 days 1
How can I share my MyLandPlan site with other family members? 12 years 3 months 1
How can I make my land better? For wildlife and overall enjoyment of walking or hiking? 8 years 11 months 1

