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Question Post datesort ascending Answers
How can I better manage my land. It has a lot of trees dieing, Mostly White oak and black oak 10 years 6 months 1
I have 80 acres in North Florida and considering a large select cut to ten trees per acre to regenerate . 10 years 7 months 1
see below: 10 years 7 months 1
Can I get someone to do some selective harvesting of my hardwoods and poplar? 10 years 8 months 1
Herbicide for pine replanting 10 years 8 months 2
How do I print a copy of my Land Plan property map? 10 years 9 months 1
Only 5 acres wooded 10 years 9 months 1
I cannot map my property. 10 years 9 months 1
What determines which foresters are listed in the list of foresters? 10 years 9 months 1
How to get rid of huckleberry on the forest floor to allow regeneration? 10 years 9 months 1
What steps to take to stop illegal tree harvesting (poaching) 10 years 9 months 1
Has any research been done on the fire risk from the use of candle powered party balloons? 10 years 10 months 1
Has any research been done on the fire risk from the use of candle powered party baloons? 10 years 10 months 1
why is there a large gouge on one of my oak trees? 10 years 10 months 1
Profitting from non desirable trees 10 years 10 months 1
How do I change the "satellite" view to leaf-off? 10 years 10 months 1
Most of my trees are large Mesquite trees. There is some kind of bettle that bores through the dead ones and eat the wood . NOw they are boring into the live ones and killing trees. I need help or advice on how to control these beetles. 10 years 10 months 1
Does stacking cut fire wood next to large oak affect the trees health? Dr Scott Boyle 10 years 10 months 1
How do you retrieve a map 10 years 10 months 1
I have several properties, how do i add them 10 years 11 months 1
How do I produce a printed management plan (maps, included) from the My land plan tool? 10 years 11 months 1
I register for tree farm certification in 2004, when will I be able to purchase a tree farm sign? 10 years 11 months 1
Have 1.4 acres we are putting a house on. We need trees removed for the house, driveway, and septic. Would be willing to allow person to keep for firewood if they cut and removed trees. 10 years 11 months 1
How can we compare our financial return of our purchased & managed timberland with the stock market 10 years 11 months 1
Can I grow live oaks as part of a tree farm? If so, how far apart should I plant them? 10 years 11 months 1
What is the preferred spacing for Longleaf if straw production is planned? 10 years 11 months 1
What is the best distance from the tree line to protect your home in the woods? 10 years 11 months 1
Trying to attract more turkey, deer and dove. What would be good to plant such as trees, food plots, ect? 10 years 11 months 1
Why not provide each states "county tax map" and "public records" websites? 10 years 11 months 2
Can you help me find a tree farm appraiser? 10 years 11 months 1
Can you help me find a tree farm appraiser? 10 years 11 months 1
What timber/wood markets are near my property In Madison, County NC 10 years 11 months 1
What do I do about Multifloral rose? 10 years 12 months 1
Garli Mustard in a stream corridor - marl fen and upland - in Western NY 11 years 1 day 1
Trying to find saw tooth Oakes to plant and is this a good idea near pines? 11 years 3 days 1
How do I erase the plotting I originally entered as it was erroneous? 11 years 3 days 1
I'm looking to plant about 1/2 an acre to attract more deer. Thinking of planting white clover.....any recommendations or suggestions? 11 years 6 days 1
Can you explain timber depleton? 11 years 2 weeks 1
Satellite updating 11 years 2 weeks 1
Can I add points of interest to my map that I collect in the field with my handheld gps unit? 11 years 3 weeks 1
Is their a easy way to hide all layers on my map and then just add back the layer I want to work on? 11 years 1 month 1
We are requesting information about possible tax abatement programs for our property in NYS 11 years 1 month 1
NE Florida Eastern Nassua plots for deers...currently liming to raise low ph 11 years 1 month 1
is it feasible to cut timber from 1 acre of land for income. We would not want clearcutting, but select cutting of some premium trees. 11 years 1 month 2
Cost share programs in Tennessee? 11 years 1 month 2
I have gas pipe lines on my land, how can I est utilize this space? 11 years 1 month 1
Hello, need some clarification ...on MyLandPlan vs. full Tree Farm certification 11 years 1 month 1
my land is overgrown with privite, china berry ect. there is some older age class pine, oak, poplar, and birch. how much of this shrubby brush should I remove. 11 years 1 month 1
We have 36 acres in Union County Mississippi of cut over land with a kudzu problem on about 15 acres of it. There are many hills and valleys. We want to begin replanting it, but the kudzu is the issue. Where do we start? 11 years 1 month 1

