A Tool for Local Land Trusts

forester helps landowner

Help woodland owners get more out of their land...
Tell them about my land plan.

Thousands of woodland owners nationwide use My Land Plan to better manage their land. This comprehensive online tool helps landowners map their woods, select goals and get the information they need to become better stewards.

Woodland owners also use the site to connect with local foresters, and even record their memories, experiences and upload photos in their Forest Journal. 

The Information Landowners Need

Managing a woodland can be a daunting responsibility for many landowners. My Land Plan provides the information landowners need... and care about.

My Land Plan covers the following topics:

  • Enjoy it: Wildlife watching, hiking, birding, hunting and fishingmen looking at paper work
  • Protect it: Trespassers, access, natural disasters
  • Make it Healthy: Pests and weeds, wildlife habitat, soil and water conservation
  • Profit from it: Cost share programs, sustainable timber harvesting, hunting leases
  • Pass it on: Legacy planning, engaging the next generation and conservation easements)
  • Get help: Hire a consulting forester and other professional 

Please feel free to check out My Land Plan. If you are interest in learning more or would like copies of My Land Plan brochures and promotional materials (articles, powerpoint presentation, webinars, etc), please email Caroline Kuebler at ckuebler@forestfoundation.org

The American Forest Foundation is proud to be a benefactor for the 2013 and 2014 Land Trust Alliance Rally and we look forward to working with you to help conserve American's woodlands. 
