Are You Getting Everything You Want From Your Woods?


As a landowners in northern Alabama, you can know get the help you need to get more from your woods.  Whether you own your woods for wildlife, recreation, scenery, family legacy, income, or all of the above, the My Alabama Woods: Cumberland Plateau Team can help. 

The My Alabama Woods: Cumberland Plateau Team is a partnership dedicated to reaching and engaging family forest owners with free information and services to enable them to better enjoy their woods and maintain them as healthy and productive.  If you have land in Jackson, Colbert, Lawrence, Marshall, Morgan, Cullman, Tuscaloosa, Marion, Blount, Walker, Winston, DeKalb or Limestone counties, then you may qualitfy to participate.  In addition to information and resources, available online or via mail, the team will also provide a forester or wildlife biologist visit, a $500 value, for free to interested landowners. Meet our forester: Brian Bradley and our wildlife biologist: Brandon Bobo

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Yes, I would like a free wildlife biologist visit.