Protect the Land You Love

Meet My Land Plan


My Land Plan has the tools and tips you need
to protect your land, family and wildlife from fire.
Create a free account today.



My Land Plan helps you make
your forest fire resilient


You protected your home. Now, it's time to think about your forest. 
See our tips for protecting your land and all the animals that call it home.
Create an account to learn more


Is your forest fire resilient?
Use My Land Plan's checklist and find out. 


My Land Plan has an easy way to tell if your forest is fire resilient.
To access our new fire checklist and take it
with you on your next hike, create an account.  



My Land Plan gives advice on 
attracting more wildlife to your land


Get professional tips for attracting deer, birds and other wildlife to your forest.
Create the habitat they love and the animals will move in.
Sign up and learn more



My Land Plan lets you map your land
(and everything on it)


Create a map of your land and features -- everything from camping spots,
to hiking trails to wildlife sightings. Get your kids
and grandkids engaged with your forest.  
Sign up and start mapping.


My Land Plan's tools help you
set and meet your goals


Enjoy it more. Profit from it. Improve water quality, forest health and animal habitat.
No matter what you want to do, we can help you accomplish it.
Get  started today

* The photo of the elk and the fire was taken by the U.S. Forest Service. The photo of the firefighters is from FEMA. 
