Can I share my information with someone else?
At this time you can only share a limited amount of information with others unless you actually give them the credentials you are using and let them log in to your account. You can share the forest journals with the general public by using the "share with my land plan community" checkbox at the bottom of journal entries, or you can create a guest pass to allow a particular person access to a specific journal entry. You can manage guest passes by viewing the journal entry you wish to share and adding the email address of the person you wish to view it. It will then send them an email with a url that will allow them to view that one journal entry. As far as the content of your land plan, you can share some of this with a prospective forester. This gives the forester access to view some of the materials in your plan. You do this by visiting a forester page, and clicking on the "request consulation" button and submitting that form with the required info. We hope to eventually have a way to allow some kind of "guest access" to all parts of the site that make up a land plan, but at the moment, these are the only options.