Question Post datesort ascending Feedback Answers
Компания по продаже металлопроката в Тюмk 1 year 5 months none
brand-new 1 year 5 months none
late-model 1 year 5 months none
late-model 1 year 5 months none
revitalized 1 year 5 months none
recent 1 year 6 months none
new 1 year 6 months none
Гей чат 1 year 7 months none
Why didn't you tell me at the sign up page this site is being sunsetted? Wasted my time here! 1 year 8 months none
How do you start on your first journey of buying Forest Land? 2 years 1 week none
@pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram ! 2 years 1 month none
@pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram ! 2 years 1 month none
301 Moved Permanently ZAABET 2 years 5 months none
How can I contact you all 2 years 8 months none
Cutting treydown 2 years 9 months none
Will the Family Forest Carbon Program be in the "Profit from it" tab. 2 years 9 months none
Videos's say "private" 2 years 10 months none
I inadvertently deleted my plan. Is there any way it can be recovered? 2 years 12 months none
Technology 3 years 4 weeks none
Does MyLandPlan apply any criteria to listing of consulting foresters? 3 years 1 month none
Can multiple users contribute to the Journal on one property? 3 years 2 months none
Abraham Williams Place 3 years 6 months none
I just joined today. Asking questions about my frequency of experience with the site..? 3 years 6 months none
USING A SURVEY FOR MAPPING 3 years 8 months none
Edard Miles CF died 10 years ago 4 years 1 month none
Your “mapping feature” does not work 4 years 3 months 1
Can Longitude and Latitude for a specific location be entered on the map of my properties? 4 years 5 months none
Why can't you use county data files to establish property boundaries in MyLandPlan? 4 years 6 months none
I need to change my farm name 4 years 8 months 1
Why is your program so difficult to use. It is very slow, unable to select numerous items at one time. 4 years 9 months none
it isn't apparent how to print your map once work is done to create it, frustrating. 4 years 10 months none
I am trying to find property lines at my moms farm 4 years 10 months none
What are the plans to upgrade the aerial maps in MyLandPlan? 4 years 11 months none
journal 5 years 2 weeks 1
How do I submit my plan? 5 years 2 months none
Great Tool! 5 years 3 months 1
We have a plan that is being worked on. Is there someone I can talk to about the process to get the certification? Thanks, Peyton McWhirter-404-754-8519. 5 years 6 months 1
Would like to share My Land Plan info with my nephew. 5 years 8 months 1
Food Forest 6 years 4 weeks 1
How do I dhare this with my son? Can he log on using my info including password? Can we be connected so that any entry shows for any entry. Does a change trigger a report from AFF? 6 years 2 months none
Typo on site 6 years 3 months none
Is there a feature to add a legend to the printed map? 6 years 5 months none
Can I add a number to a feature so that the number shows up on the map? 6 years 5 months none
Print option 6 years 7 months 1
Google earth updates 6 years 9 months none
How do I print out a detailed copy of the plan? 6 years 11 months none
Is it possible to save my plan to my home computer? 6 years 11 months none
Is their a way to add video to my journal? 6 years 11 months none
Hi, the map tool isn't working properly, it isn't allowing me to draw my boundary, thank u 6 years 11 months 2
Logging question. 7 years 3 days none
Would you recommend staghorn sumac for the deer? If so, do I get the staghorn sumac bush, or tree? 7 years 1 month none
Is there a way to print my land plan 7 years 1 month none
Consider adding a section on website to post land lease opportunities? 7 years 2 months none
how can i get a different satellite photo of my property? 7 years 3 months none
I am a conservation District Forester. How do I get on the list of Foresters? 7 years 4 months none
would like to have a free visit form a Forester 7 years 6 months none
I want to print a copy of my map so I can record "in the field" spray areas, ID trees etc. Using the printed map would greatly help in keeping me in the right locations. Earlier posts stated you were considering adding this feature. 7 years 8 months none
TECH SUPPORT: Property Name Change? 7 years 8 months 2
how can I give access o mylandplan to a wildlife biologist? 7 years 11 months 1
Forester fees 7 years 11 months none
I'm trying to change my email address, but don't see anywhere on web page to do so. Please advise 7 years 11 months 1
Need liability insursance 7 years 11 months none
How can I get an up-to-date satellite image of our property? A lot has changed since the present photo was taken and it's hard to use. 8 years 4 days 1
how do i change the name of my plan? 8 years 3 weeks 1
Forester near me in Monterey ca 8 years 3 weeks none
How do you print a map to take to the woods? 8 years 1 month none
Sharing my land plan 8 years 1 month none
added 2 journal entries, 2 days later still have not appeared. 8 years 1 month 1
Why do you make it so hard to unsubscribe from email? 8 years 1 month 1
Your latest email focused on controlling weeds, however, clicking on this hyperlink did not lead to anything related to weeds or weed control. Why not? 8 years 2 months none
Who do I contact to look into getting the property here certified? 8 years 2 months none
How about adding the feature of creating a prescribe burn plan map from our account and making where you can print it out. 8 years 3 months none
not able to add anything to my map 8 years 4 months 2
I would like to use my land for timber, pine needles, pine cones, hunting, and replanting 8 years 5 months none
Can you go even more in depth with your timber planning process? 8 years 5 months none
how can i edit my address? 8 years 5 months 1
How do I opt out of all emails and delete my account? 8 years 5 months none
Why is it proving to be so difficult to create a plan and potentially harvest my land? 8 years 5 months none
Is there a way to map my property using gps coordinates? Thanks 8 years 6 months none
Adding a new Forester to my Plan (NOT on your list) 8 years 6 months none
How can I get the 5+ acres designated as a heritage tree farm legally?? 8 years 7 months none
Need to cut my trees while living in another state 8 years 9 months none
I am trying to set the boundaries on my property using the Latitude and longitude values. when I enter them and click save the the page shows "saving"ut never completes. any suggestions would be appreciated. 8 years 10 months 1
This is more for the staff than users My Landplan Journal isn't working. 8 years 11 months 1
password 8 years 11 months 1
Adding on to plotted trails and roads 9 years 1 day 1
How can the color of boundary linesbe changed? 9 years 3 weeks 1
Could you add a SEARCH feature in your 'find a forester' page? There doesn't seem to be any logic as to how the foresters are listed - not alphabetical, not by state, .. 9 years 3 weeks 1
Just finished mapping my land. Is there a more accurate way to use a survey map with actual distances to develop a more accurate map.? 9 years 1 month none
I have drawn my approximate boundary lines but it is not calculating the acerage. What sould I do? 9 years 1 month 1
Can Features be sorted to be listed alphabetically? That would be super to Filter common items on and off. 9 years 1 month 1
Is there any way you can make it so we can "Tag" an area(s) when we are creating tasks? It would be nice if there was a dropdown to select the area(s) you'll be completeing the task in. 9 years 1 month 1
How do I get LF/ATFS foresters who are not yet listed on my land plan... Added to my land plan. ? 9 years 2 months none
Merging Tracts 9 years 3 months 1
when i drew my map boundaries i got it crooked and can't seem to change it. Do i need to delete it and start over? 9 years 3 months 1
You very badly neee to put a "print" function that will allow the complete land plan to be organized into a printable file that can be downloaded 9 years 4 months none
please call karl peters 971-804-9025 9 years 5 months none
Why?resn 9 years 5 months 1
Can you print a copy of the map with scale, north arrow, legend, and acreage? Can you print a copy of the plan? 9 years 5 months 1
No Question.... Just Thank you for the awesome site 9 years 6 months none
Doing an online map! 9 years 7 months 1
I cannot figure out how to use your mapping, everytime I try, I get different results & different borders! 9 years 7 months 1
Is there a way to print the plan? 9 years 7 months none
Print the plan 9 years 7 months none
How do I extract the information to prepare a "Forest Management Plan"? 9 years 7 months none
map boundaries fail to save 9 years 7 months 1
Mapping trails in MLP from handheld GPS? 9 years 7 months 1
Would it be possible to make an option where I could put certain layers in folders? 9 years 8 months none
Mapping property 9 years 8 months none
How do I edit my pprofile as a Forester? Tom Nygren 9 years 9 months 1
where can i find some help files on how to use the land plan? 9 years 9 months 1
What I don't like...why I don't post here... 9 years 10 months 2
Now that I've created an outline of my property, how do I print out a copy of it? 9 years 10 months none
Is there a way to lock/unlock the gps coordinates? 9 years 10 months 1
who can maintain my fire trails? 9 years 11 months none
help for marking property lines 9 years 11 months none
How do you measure a straight line to get footage? 9 years 11 months 1
How do I measure a parcel of timber in acreage inside my boundry without leaving boundry marks? How do I erase boundry marks? 9 years 11 months 1
How can I email my mylandplan map to a potential vendor? 9 years 11 months none
I found Northern Lights and Cabbage Creek on the map. What do I need to do to save the spot and mark boundaries? 9 years 12 months 1
I cannot open my map regularly only sometimes and have never been able to open the map features function 10 years 2 days 1
How do I print out my management plan? 10 years 4 days 1
Request permission to share MyLandPlan with other Committee members. 10 years 2 weeks 1
When I open the map of our property there is already lines drawn on the map. How do I get rid of them? 10 years 1 month 1
Using the mapping tool. 10 years 1 month 4
I would like to modify my profile. 10 years 2 months 1
Add photos? 10 years 2 months 1
How do I download "my land plan" to my computer? 10 years 2 months 1
how do I unsubscribe from myland plan? 10 years 2 months 1
Can a .gpx file be uploaded as our land map? 10 years 2 months 1
I cannot find the site to map my land or the map 10 years 2 months 1
IS there a way on my land plan to enter latitude and longitude and have it marked on your map? 10 years 3 months 1
As to "Goals" - Is there a way to show/incorporate the goals developed separately by the family into the "Goals" Section of "My Land Plan". We also have a "mission Statement" along with the goals.? 10 years 3 months 1
it would be helpful, perhaps, to be able to search by forester name .... 10 years 3 months 1
I have tried to use the web site a couple of times and have found it to be very user unfriendly. How can I get assistance in using it/ 10 years 3 months 1
How do I correct boundries or land use? 10 years 4 months 1
can I put in Longitude and Latitude to make a specific spot on the map 10 years 5 months 1
Now That I have a plan in place, what is next? 10 years 5 months 1
I have errors in my acreage and land map drawing but unable to correct. Need help. 10 years 5 months 1
Having trouble finding my lists of food plots and acreage. 10 years 6 months 1
What is the lat/long format used? 10 years 7 months 1
Can MyLandPlan be shared? 10 years 7 months 2
What happened? 10 years 8 months 1
Where are the upgrades to My Land Plan. I think that I could have suggested some things that would have been real improvements, but I did not find any of them in the upgrade. 10 years 8 months 1
Can I enter GPS coordinates on my map? 10 years 8 months 1
How do I save the map to a file? 10 years 8 months 1
how do you print the mylandplan map that you create on the site so that you can take it with you to the woods? 10 years 8 months 1
my forester profile 10 years 8 months 1
The Church's land has become overgrown and many trees are unhealthy or dead due to invasive species. The volunteers struggle to keep ahead. 10 years 8 months 1
I have two accounts with MylandPlan and would like to combine and delete one. Can I get your help with this please. Thanks Tim Brown, please reply to 10 years 9 months 1
How do I print the photograph? 10 years 9 months 1
How do I modify the boundaries? 10 years 9 months 1
1. The video on mapping does not start (even though I click on the triangle). 10 years 9 months 1
Will not let me map my land 10 years 9 months 1
map land edit not working 10 years 9 months 1
How can I print my map of land? 10 years 9 months 1
Am just attempting to use site. Cannot proceed to map land. Get message "HTTP500 internal server error" with AFF logo. Can you help? 10 years 9 months 1
any possibility of being able to add features/poi from latitude longitude. 10 years 9 months 1
Can I share my information with someone else? 10 years 10 months 1
How do I change the boundaries. 10 years 10 months 1
why doesn't changing boundries work? 10 years 10 months 1
I requested assistance some time ago to instruct how to redraw my land lines. I only own 80 acres but my boundary lines and acerage is incorrect. Please help. 10 years 10 months 1
How do you get the polygons we created to print with the Map? 10 years 10 months 1
I have errors on my map of the land. I went back and tried to redraw and could not accomplish the task. I have a total of 80 acres. Can you correct the error? 10 years 11 months 1
Is there any way to map my property if it is an ab normal shape? The map completes the boundy on its own whe my mapping dots near another dot. 10 years 11 months 1
In My Land Plan how do I draw boundary lines that are exact to the description in the land deed? 10 years 11 months 1
Can we map using GPS coordinates and routes? If so, how? 10 years 11 months 1
Tried to add "To Do" but nothing happened ? 10 years 11 months 1
I signed into MY LAND etc but can't seem to find any of the data I was inputting. Help Dan DuPuis 10 years 12 months 1
Is it possible to map my land by entering the county tax number even if we have no plat? If so, where do we enter it? 11 years 4 days 1
How do you add pictures to your activity log that are in portrait orientation without them appearing sideways? 11 years 6 days 1
How do I share my property with a forrester? 11 years 2 weeks 2
When I try to log in from my laptop I get a message that says. "You are not authorized to access this page." What am I doing wrong? I am using my correct username and password. Thanks. 11 years 2 weeks 2
Mapping 11 years 3 weeks 1
Printing 11 years 3 weeks 1
printing 11 years 3 weeks 1
Savanna expansion 11 years 3 weeks 1
There are ample ways to add a property, HOW DO YOU DELETE ONE? 11 years 1 month 1
Wanted to list items under "enjoy it" but unable to manuver or click the cursor???????? 11 years 1 month 1
How do undo mistakes on this user unfriendly site 11 years 1 month 1
What is procedure for Tree Farm certification? Local inspectors? 11 years 1 month 1
Provide an enchanted Garden for children 11 years 1 month 1
Is there a way to add labels (trail and stream names) to the map? 11 years 1 month 2
Suggestions 11 years 1 month 1
How to delete boundaries 11 years 1 month 2
How to draw stand boundaries on the aerial photo and figure out stand acres? 11 years 2 months 1
sharing information 11 years 2 months 1
Hello, need some clarification ...on MyLandPlan vs. full Tree Farm certification 11 years 2 months 1
Is there an ap for iPhone 11 years 2 months 1
How do I print a copy of My Land map? 11 years 3 months 1
Mapping tool: How do you map a stand that completely surrounds another stand on all sides? 11 years 3 months 1
Is there any way to use geographic coordinates to locate my property's boundaries? 11 years 3 months 1
Can you customize goals? 11 years 3 months 1
How write managerment plan 11 years 3 months 1
how does a family member access the plan other than using my email and pw? are their additions/modifications attributed to them? 11 years 3 months 1
How can I "Request Consultation" with Mitch Drake? 11 years 4 months 1
My family would like to lease our land for hunting. What is the best way to proceed? 11 years 4 months 1
Is there a way to print the "Land Plan"? For example, I would like to print the map with all the features. thanks 11 years 4 months 1
Why aren't the NYS DEC Cooperating Consulting Forester's for my area not listed. The 3 consulting forester's listed are nowhere near me! 11 years 5 months 1
Site Histories? 11 years 5 months 1
When will there be a print function? . 11 years 5 months 1
Is there a way to input a point based on GPS coordinates? 11 years 5 months 1
Tool recommendation -- have a place for your Forester's name and contact. 11 years 6 months 2
Is there a way to overlay land boundaries? 11 years 6 months 1
Satellite imagery is not the latest. 11 years 6 months 1
Share this entry with the My Land Plan community check box 11 years 6 months 1