Tool recommendation -- have a place for your Forester's name and contact.
I wanted to let you know that the activity log feature I mentioned in my previous answer is now active on the site. When you are on your dashboard, the upper right section should contain links to create an activity for each of your properties. The left side of the page that contains information about a single property has some additions as well. There is a section for showing activities that are upcoming and overdue. I hope this helps, and thanks for using My Land Plan!
Thanks for the suggestions. At the moment, we have the ability for you to bookmark a forester which will add them to a list on your dashboard so that you can find them easier in the future. When you are viewing a forester's profile, the left side has an "Add to my forester list" button. If you click that, it will add the forester to your list. Your list shows up on the top right side of your dashboard under the heading "My foresters." The link is a direct link to the forester's profile page which contains their contact information. If you ever want to remove them, simply visit their forester profile page again and click the "remove from my list" button.
While the forester list does not contain the ability to add dates and meeting notes, we are very close to releasing a new feature for logging activities that relate to your property. The activity log will allow you to record activities that are completed, in progress, and planned for the future. Future activities can have email reminders as well. Each activity can be related to the actions you wish to take for your land, and can store a textual description, photos, and file attachments. This feature should be perfect for recording meetings with a forester. The final touches are being added so this feature should be released very soon, so stay tuned! Thanks!