Can MyLandPlan be shared?
I am the overseer of about 50 acres for a non-profit organization with about 700 members. Is there a way that other members of our Conservation Committee can periodically review the plan and status?
I echo the desire to share my land plan with friends or family who may want to visit or see what it's all about.
Any way to send friends a link?
Hi Kent,
Unfortunately at the moment the only way to accomplish this would be to actually share the account credentials with all members that wish to be able to review the plan. The journal entries are the only thing that are capable of being shared without having login credentials. This type of feature may be developed in the future as we have had others communicate interest in it as well. However, at this point I don't know for sure and would not have any estimates on when that might happen. Sorry I don't have a better answer for you.