added 2 journal entries, 2 days later still have not appeared.

How long does it take for a journal entry to appear or be posted in my journal section?


 Journals should appear as soon as you submit them. It should take you to the full dispay of the journal as soon as you click on the save button from the journal entry page. From there if you click on the "Journal" link in the left navigation, you should see the new journal entry on top. The exception to this would be that if you are creating a journal entry with an older date. The list of entries will appear ordered based on the date of fhe journal entry. I just created a few entries and I'm not seeing any problems. Perhaps you could try it again and let me know if you have any issues. You are welcome to email me at or call my office line at 574-222-2769. I am usually in the office from about 9-5 eastern time. 
