what do we do next - I have profiled our property but unsure on next steps to execute the plan.
Congratulations! You have completed a very important step in your journey as a steward of forest lands. By profiling your property you now have a base to work from in describing what you have, what you want, and what approaches are acceptable to you in getting there. By building this base of knowledge, you are much better prepared to take the next step, which I would recommend be to consult with a professional forester. There are a couple of options for you to choose from, either a public service forester or a consulting forester.
Public service foresters work for state agencies or extension offices; their services are either free or a nominal charge, but they are limited in the services they can provide, foresters are usually assigned based on the location of the property (no choice). A consultant works directly for you by charging based on the service provided, can provide a wide array of services, and you can interview several individuals and/or firms to determine which one is the best fit to work with you.