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Question Post datesort ascending Answers
How do I find a logger to purchase pine trees in Lavinia, Tennessee 38321 1 year 1 month none
I will like to grow Burma Padauk and Berchemia zeyher among other things like citrus, etc and claim it as a farm can I?? 1 year 3 months none
Can a 200 year old loblolly pine be sold? 1 year 5 months none
We want to clear about 3 arces of trees. Would that cost and could we sell that wood? 1 year 7 months none
How do I get the most out of my property?! 2 years 2 months none
Im living on 12 acers how do i sell my timber 2 years 5 months none
How can I make my flooded area healthy again. 2 years 6 months none
Looking for a forester to consult regarding timber sale 2 years 7 months none
Can i selective thin and profit from the timber? 2 years 9 months none
I would like to harvest the lumber on this property 2 years 9 months none
How to properly remove Buckhorn? 2 years 10 months none
Logging Land 2 years 10 months none
How do I obtain a Forestry-management plan? 2 years 11 months none
AZ 40 acres 2 years 12 months none
Conducting a Burn 3 years 2 days none
Creating a first year plan for a recent clear 57 acre purchase near McDermott Ohio. 3 years 1 month none
What is the market for Paulownia Tree? 3 years 2 months none
Should I plant younger trees in an area that has several old growth firs? 3 years 3 months none
How do I sell the timber from my 32 acres in Lutz, Florida? 3 years 3 months none
How do I find someone to buy my timber in Lexington county south carolina? 3 years 3 months none
Logging Question 3 years 6 months none
Hi , I would like to know how to create hiking trails? 3 years 7 months none
Do i need a forester to assess my woodlot resource 8+ acre property to make improvements to existing residential areas on property? Like wildfire prevention improvements? 3 years 9 months none
How to find roads 3 years 9 months none
How do i manage my forest? 4 years 1 month none
I have 50 acres of Land in East Texas, and need help on managing it, would like for 40 acres to be used as Timberland. I need to speak with a Consultant. 4 years 3 months none
Can I harvest the timber on these 40 acres so that I can create pasture for horses 4 years 5 months none
Do I need a minimum amount of acerage before I can log my timber for profit? 4 years 6 months none
Cost Sharing Programs 4 years 7 months none
We have several trees that appear dead or dying. 4 years 10 months none
Porter Farm 5 years 2 weeks none
What do we do once the harvesting is completed? What are the responsibilities of the harvesting company? 5 years 1 month none
How to start over a stand of loblolly pines ? 5 years 3 months none
Planting/obtaining 5 years 4 months none
Thin to improve forest health and diversity 5 years 5 months none
What is the average cost per acre for a forester to mark trees for thinning / harvesting in Iron County, Wisconsin? 5 years 5 months 1
do i need to get a survey in order to have my property logged 5 years 6 months 1
Are there any foresters in my area El Dorado county 5 years 7 months none
Western Highland Rim: I've 170 acres of degraded hardwood with about 60% canopy. Need silviculture advice. 5 years 8 months none
Trees that are fallen Do you leave or remove? 5 years 8 months 1
NJ Forest Stewardship Plan Farmer's Exemption 5 years 9 months none
Just getting started 5 years 10 months 1
I am looking for a Forester to help me with my land in Cupertino California 5 years 10 months none
If Oak tree considered healthy enough for other things then timber could be relocated and sold for conservation? 5 years 10 months none
What are natural herbicides that you use? 5 years 10 months none
What trees are naturally grown in my area? 5 years 10 months 1
I have 15.5 acres of woods. I would like to know about selling the timber 5 years 10 months 1
How to get out of a logging contract? 5 years 11 months 1
What would it cost me to get help identifying the trees/brush to clear out to improve what remains in my 7-8 acres of treas? 5 years 11 months none

