sharing information

I want to share the info from My Plan with others who do not have a MyLandPlan account. Is there a way to provide others with a link that takes them to my page? And how can I share info with others if they also have a LandPlan account? Is that possible?

Hi Karen,

Thanks for you questions about sharing your land plan.  Currently we have two ways for you to share information from your land plan.  The first is you can share your contact information, map, goals and activities planned with a forester that you have "requested a consultation" with through our forester directory.  For further explanation about how to do this, please check out the answer to this question:

The other way we have to share information is through the Guest Pass functionality that we just rolled out this week.  The Guest Pass allows you to share specific Forest Journal entries with your friends and family. To share a journal entry, go to that entry and select the Send a Guest Pass button:

Then fill in your friend or family members email address along with an optional message:

Your friend or family member will be sent an email with a link to your journal entry.  You can manage your guest pass by going back to the journal entry, selecting the Share A Guest Pass and then in the lower box you can see all of the people you have shared that entry with.

The forest journal is also the place where you can share information with the rest of the My Land Plan community.  When you post a journal entry, you will see a check box that says "Share this entry with the My Land Plan community." This defaults to checked to encourage sharing among the community.

To view shared journal entries, select the "View shared journals" link on the left hand side of your Forest Journal view:

Currently we don't have another way to share your entire plan with friends and family.  However we have seen some interest for this functionality from our My Land Plan community and will look into the feasibility of including it for future site upgrades.

Caroline Kuebler

Project Manager for My Land Plan
