Is there a way to add labels (trail and stream names) to the map?
As a side note, I have found it more convenient to keep a journal in a notebook, rather than in an online version - although I had started one on your site.
Thanks for this information Brian, I didn't realize I could rename the features. I probably won't do this as long as it wouldn't show. The other down side is that I wasn't able to draw my trails and streams as single features, but piece by piece as I was able to distinguish locations on the Google image. Going back now to figure out which feature listed belonged to which actual section could be an interesting exercise.
Hi Peter,
The answer to your questions is yes and no. When you first add a feature to the map, the default title is the name of the feature. You may have noticed this when adding features. For example, if you are adding a trail, the default title is just "trail." You can see this by single clicking on the feature after it has been drawn on the map. If you click the "change details" button, you can actually edit the title and description of the feature. It is here that you could rename the trail to something more specific. That is the "yes" part of the answer, but if you are wanting something that will always show on the map (even when you have not clicked on that feature), then no, there isn't currently a way to do that. I like the idea of having a way to toggle labels on/off for all features though. That would be a good suggestion for future development.