How do I share my property with a forrester?

I need to speak with a certified Forrester about my property. Can i send him a link to view my property?

Ok thank you. How about sharing the plan with someone outside of your system? Like an Insurance Agent, Seed Rep, friend, etc?

Also, do you have an Export to PDF Function? If not, I think this would be extremely valuable.

Thank you.


To get started, find a forester that you wish to share your property with. You can do so by visiting your "My Plan" page and viewing the suggested foresters that are nearest to you. You may also wish to click the link below the suggestions to "view full list of foresters." See below for an example of this section of your plan page.


Regardless of which method you use to select a forester, once you view their forester profile page, you will find a button to "request consultation" wtih that forester.


After you click the button, you will need to fill in the form on the following page. Select the property you want the forester to help you with (in case you have more than one property mapped on My Land Plan) and add the message you wish to send to the forester.



Submitting this form will give this forester access to some of the information contained in your My Land Plan account. It does not give them complete access but it will show them your property boundaries, goals, and actions. It serves as a starting point for contacting a forester. You may wish to ask specific questions or provide more details in the "message" box when sending the consultation request.
