Landowner Programs

In addition to the My Baldwin Woods project, there are many great organizations working in Maine that provide additional valuable resources for landowners. Some of those resources are provided below:

  • The Maine Forest Service offers the Be Woods Wise program to help you make informed decisions about your woodland.
  • The State of Maine has a current use property tax program, called the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law, that makes being a woodland owner more affordable.
  • Learn from your neighbors! Check out the Profiles of Woodland Stewardship to see examples of how other landowners in your area have incorporated stewardship activities on their land. 
  • The American Tree Farm System (ATFS) is the oldest and largest forest conservation, certification, and advocacy program in the United States. Learn more about the Maine Tree Farm Program.
  • The Small Woodland Owners Association of Maine (SWOAM) is a local resource that works to support small woodland owners in Maine. 