How do I make my woods more resistant to insect attack?

I'm asking this question as part of my evaluation of this web site for an article I'm writing for The Forestry Source, the monthly newspaper of the Society of American Foresters, which is distributed by mail to about 13,000 SAF members in the U.S. How would you answer this question for a real My Land Plan user? (By the way, I do own a small timbered parcel in Oregon, where bark beetles have been a minor problem, as has laminated root rot.)

Steve Wilent
Editor, The Forestry Source
Society of American Foresters (
503-622-3033 (home office in Oregon) or

Ditto the previous answer by Mike Burns.... except to add that the "weeds" are forbs and grasses which provide a home and food for many insects, herptofauna, birds,..... and improve "biodiversity" (not a term I like to use, sounds too "scientific"). That is, of course, if the plants recruited are native plants and noninvasive.

The best way to prevent disease and insect outbreaks is to keep your trees healthy. Just like people, trees can be stressed, which can make them more vulnerable to insects and disease. For example, when trees are attacked, sometimes they can push out pests by moving large volumes of sap through their branches — but not if they’re too crowded or aren’t getting enough water. Like people, if they aren’t healthy, they can’t fight off minor infections.

Maintain a diverse woods. Once a tree is attacked, insects and pathogens can spread to neighbors. Many pests only attack a single species, so it’s useful to have a mix of trees in your woods. Also, keeping trees farther apart helps them stay healthy by getting the light, water, and soil nutrients they need — although it can also help weeds grow on the forest floor.
