What do I do about Multifloral rose?
Ms Goldstein,
A heavy "infestation" of any plant is not good, but first make sure they are Multiflora Rose. The native,Carolina Rose (and other natives) have white flowers and nonbristled leafstalk bases. The nonnative, invasive roses have white to pink flowers and bristled leafstalk bases.
If your cutting them down, treat the cut stump with Arsenal AC as a 10 percent solution (Arsenal is soil active and may kill surrounding trees). If safety to surrounding vegetation is desired, use a glyphosate herbicide as a 20 percent solution, or Ortho Brush-B-Gone, or Enforcer Brush Killer, or Vine-X, anytime from May to October.
You can also use Arsenal AC as a 1 percent solution and spray to thoroughly wet the leaves from August to October. Again, if safety to other trees and shrubs is desired, use glyphosate as a 4 percent solution from May to October. Glyphosate is not as effective and repeated applications will probably be needed.
And keep some herbicide on-hand. The "hips" are a favorite winter food of many birds and mammals, and new plants will continue to show-up!
More detailed info can be found in: Miller, James H.; Manning, Steven T.; and Enloe, Stephen F. 2010. A Management Guide for Invasive Plants in Southern Forests. 2010. GTR SRS-131. Asheville, NC; USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 120 p. Just "google" or "bing" (don't want to play favorites) "treesearch" and you can enter the title of the publication.
Tom Busch