Where to start?
I own 50 acres in Northern New York, in the Tug Hill Region. We have had the NYS DEC Forester out to walk our property. He gave us a Forest Stewardship Plan, but that was about it. We would like to plant for the future, but really don't know where to start.
Public agency service foresters ore often a woodlot owner's first contact. For your next step you have a number of good options:
- If your plan is ready to go, use the "Find a Forester" feature of this website to get information on service providers near you. NYS DEC also has a listing of Qualified Cooperating Foresters, or search for Certified Foresters through the Society of American Foresters website (www.safnet.org)
- If you want an independant review of your plan and assurances that it meets Certification Standards, contact your state committee of the American Tree Farm System and request a no-cost assessment. the New York Tree Farm website is www.nytreefarm.org
- If you're looking for peer support and guidance, contact your state or local forest owner's association. In your area that would be the New York Forest Owners Assn. (www.nyfoa.org).
- Your local cooperative extension, soil conservation, or farm service agency offices may have personel and resources available to you as well.