Questionsort ascending Post date Answers
Hi , I would like to know how to create hiking trails? 3 years 6 months none
For 25 years we are overwelmed with marijuana plants growing on our wood lot. We have cut them down and burned them and used herbicide but they keep coming back in a new location. What can we do to get rid of them. 8 years 4 months none
Do I need a minimum amount of acerage before I can log my timber for profit? 4 years 4 months none
Do i need a forester to assess my woodlot resource 8+ acre property to make improvements to existing residential areas on property? Like wildfire prevention improvements? 3 years 8 months none
DAVIS, LOCKLEY,MITCHELL ESTATE 6 years 11 months none
Creating a first year plan for a recent clear 57 acre purchase near McDermott Ohio. 3 years 2 weeks none
Cost Sharing Programs 4 years 6 months none
Conducting a Burn 2 years 11 months none
Can someone provide a ballpark cost of having a Forester review my property (115 Acres of 50+yr old woods). 5 years 11 months none
Can I harvest the timber on these 40 acres so that I can create pasture for horses 4 years 4 months none
Can a 200 year old loblolly pine be sold? 1 year 4 months none
AZ 40 acres 2 years 10 months none
Are there any foresters in my area El Dorado county 5 years 6 months none
Are there any financial assistance programs to enhance wildlife, in particular whitetail deer, on an 1100 acre tract used for hunting in South Carolina. 8 years 2 weeks none
Annie Estate 5 years 11 months none
Can i selective thin and profit from the timber? 2 years 8 months none

