Your Checklist for Prevention

You can't stop birds from dropping seeds on your land, but there are other steps you can take to keep bush honeysuckle from taking over.

  • Monitor your woods. Get familiar with the native plants that grow on your land. Learn to recognize bush honeysuckle and other weeds. It's easier to stop an invasion when you catch it early.
  • Don't plant invasive species. When choosing plants for landscaping, wildlife habitat, or erosion control, go with native plants rather than known invaders like the non-native bush honeysuckles.

Whether you’re trying to prevent an infestation or controlling damage from an existing infestation, you don’t have to go it alone. State, county or consulting foresters, the Forest Service or your local cooperative extension service can all help you protect your woods and preserve your forest legacy.

Learn More

Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group Least Wanted Fact Sheet

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