Your Checklist for Preventing Cogongrass
Spot Cogongrass on your land before this happens.
Three steps can help you protect your land from cogongrass infestation:
- Learning to spot it. If you can identify cogongrass, you’ll know what you need to avoid. Look for its telltale characteristics: leaves that are long and narrow and seem to arise directly from the ground, with a white, off-center mid-rib; flowers and seedheads that are silvery white; and a dense mat of rhizomes.
- Keeping it clean. Avoid working in cogongrass-infested areas when seedheads are present or when the soil is muddy and rhizomes can more easily be broken off and transported. If working in an infested area, clean vehicles, equipment, and clothing before moving to a cogongrass-free site. Make sure to check and clean the radiator, grill, undercarriage and top of your vehicle; the blades of mowers and bushhogs; wrinkles and cuffs in your clothing; or anywhere else where seeds can collect.
- Keeping an eye on it. Stay vigilant and act quickly if you see cogongrass growing on your property.
And remember, you don’t have to go it alone. Whether you’re working to prevent a cogongrass infestion or to control one, your state, county or consulting foresters, the Forest Service or your local cooperative extension service can all help you take effective action to protect your woods.
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