The Art of Hiding a Geocache
Navigating using a GPS unit
- Seek, and then hide. If your goal is to hide geocaches on your own property, wait until you’ve found a few elsewhere so you understand the elements of a fun and successful geocache.
- Public or private?
- You can share your geocache locations only with friends and family who visit you, by giving them the GPS coordinates and sending them off into the woods with a GPS unit.
- Or you can publish them on a site like (see others below) and open your geocaches to the public. If you go public, consider liability issues.
- Read everything you need to get started at “Geocaching 101”
- Learn more about hiding geocaches with the video and written explanation of “Hiding Your First Geocache”
- The “Geocaching Guidelines” on not only tell you the rules for hiding a geocache, but they also guide you in finding your first geocaches. Rule number one is no digging.
Looking for some geocaches to find? Check out these sites:
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