When Roses Attack

Multiflora rose was introduced to the U.S. from East Asia in the 1800s for use in breeding roses. Later, it was used for erosion control and planted in highway medians to reduce glare from headlights. But more recently, it has been recognized as a noxious weed.

Multiflora rose grows in dense, thorny thickets. It crowds out native planets and grows over pasture so cattle can't graze. It grows well in open space like prairie and pasture, and also thrives at the edge of the woods and in open woodlands.

The plant’s sharp thorns make it difficult for people to walk and work. It also provides for the rodents that carry the ticks that spread Lyme disease.

The seeds are spread to new places by birds that eat the rose hips. It can also grow from stalks when they touch the ground. It can grow back from roots after it's been cut back.

If you have multiflora rose on your land, you aren't helpless. It's possible to control this weed.

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