Your Checklist for Prevention
It's important not to move firewood around! As this sign warns, oak wilt fungus can survive in cut oak.
These steps may keep oak wilt off your trees.
Here's Your Checklist
- Time pruning carefully. If you prune oak trees, don't do it between February and June in Texas and between March/April and July in northern states. If you must prune, immediately cover the wound with tree wound paint. The fungus that causes oak wilt can invade through pruning wounds.
- Don't move firewood. The fungus that causes oak wilt can be transported on firewood. As a rule of thumb, you should never move firewood more than about 10 miles. If you know your firewood has oak wilt, don't move it off your property and don't store it next to healthy oak trees.
- Plant diverse trees. Avoid growing only trees that are susceptible to oak wilt. That way, if some die, others will still be standing.
Whether you’re trying to prevent an infestation or controlling damage from an existing infestation, you don’t have to go it alone. State, county or consulting foresters, the Forest Service or your local cooperative extension service can all help you protect your woods and preserve your forest legacy.
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