Why Certify?

The MyLandPlan Tool can help you choose the certification program that is right for you and your land.

You protect and nurture your land because you care about it, and that’s its own reward. So why would you want to prove it to an outsider?

The answer is simple: because there’s a demand for what you do.

All over the world, consumers and companies are growing more and more concerned about where their products come from. Customers want to know their wood-based products aren’t hurting the world’s forests, and companies want to give customers that assurance.

Certification offers that guarantee. Being certified tells consumers and companies that your forest is sustainable and well-managed, and the products that come from it are helping the environment instead of hurting it. That makes your certified timber more desirable and valuable in the marketplace.

And that benefit isn’t just for large operations with lots of timber. Smaller landowners stand to gain too: they can enjoy greater access to timber markets and recognition for their good stewardship.

The value of forest certification is also set to grow in the future as markets develop for Carbon credits, biofuel and forest ecosystem services. Certification is likely to be a primary requirement for participating in these market opportunities.

Besides the current and potential economic benefits of certification, many woodland owners choose to be certified just because it gives them the added comfort of knowing that they are doing right by their woods and recognition in their community for their good work.

So, what’s the catch? Depending on the certification program, there may be costs associated with getting certified, usually on the order of a few cents to a few dollars an acre. And certification does mean you’ll have to keep accurate records of your forest management activities and commit to the standards of your certification program. But many landowners find that the benefits outweigh these costs.

Still interested in getting certified? Then let’s find the program that’s right for you.

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