Gypsy Moth

My Land Plan can help you keep an eye out for these voracious pests.

What You Need to Know

The gypsy moth was accidentally introduced into Massachusetts in 1869. By 1902, this pest was widespread in New England and parts of New York and New Jersey.

Now the most important insect pest of forest and shade trees in the eastern United States, the gypsy moth continues to expand its range across the country.

Are My Woods At Risk?

Gypsy moth caterpillars are big eaters who feed on over 300 species of trees and shrubs, both deciduous and evergreen.

Click here for a map showing where gypsy moth has reached

With the right information, you can help your woods get through an attack. Start by learning about gypsy moths, or jump to steps for damage control or prevention. And remember, help is always available.

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