The Farm Bill for Forests

Farm Bill programs can help improve wildlife habitat in your family’s forest.

Family forest owners are farmers, too.

The Farm Bill offers woodland owners a number of incentives to keep their forests and wildlife healthy.

Some programs pay landowners a certain amount each year that they engage in conservation activities to care for their woods, or they share a certain percentage of the costs. Some offer one-time payments for specific projects or for a long-term easement. 

Here’s the who, what, where and how of Farm Bill programs, so you can find the one that’s right for you:

Once you’ve chosen the program or programs you’d like to take part in, it’s time to apply. This process can be daunting, but we’ll walk you through it.

Find out more

For a detailed analysis of how the Farm Bill impacts woodland owners, read the American Foreset Foundation's Forests in the Farm Bill 2011 Progress Report.

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