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Questionsort descending Post date Answers
What do we do once the harvesting is completed? What are the responsibilities of the harvesting company? 5 years 2 weeks none
what is pine "woodsrun"?? 6 years 11 months none
What is the average cost per acre for a forester to mark trees for thinning / harvesting in Iron County, Wisconsin? 5 years 4 months 1
What is the best distance from the tree line to protect your home in the woods? 10 years 11 months 1
What is the going rate for commision on timber sales? 11 years 6 months 1
What is the market for Paulownia Tree? 3 years 1 month none
What is the preferred spacing for Longleaf if straw production is planned? 10 years 11 months 1
What is the typical commission a registered forester should receive on a timber sale he assists me with ? 11 years 7 months 1
What kind of bugs are these. 11 years 11 months 1
What needs to be done to keep my woodlands free of Poison Ivy? 12 years 8 months 2
What steps to take to stop illegal tree harvesting (poaching) 10 years 9 months 1
What timber/wood markets are near my property In Madison, County NC 10 years 11 months 1
What trees are naturally grown in my area? 5 years 9 months 1
What would it cost me to get help identifying the trees/brush to clear out to improve what remains in my 7-8 acres of treas? 5 years 10 months none
When I click on a goal there is supposed to be a list of suggestions to help me reach that goal but nothing happens other than the goal (+) highlights in green. 12 years 7 months 1
When to burn? 9 years 10 months 1
When we put the property line on the photos, the area becomes shaded and you cannot see the photo. 11 years 11 months 1
Where can I find detailed information on thinning? 10 years 1 month 1
Where to go for help with creating an edible food forest? 11 years 3 months 2
Where to start? 12 years 3 days 1
Which is better for a tree farms under 200 acres, setting up an LLC or LFP? 11 years 9 months 1
Why do loggers say they can not cut large live oak trees? 9 years 11 months 1
why is there a large gouge on one of my oak trees? 10 years 10 months 1
Why not provide each states "county tax map" and "public records" websites? 10 years 11 months 2
Why you? 12 years 2 months 1

