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Question Post date Answerssort descending
We recently logged our property about 38 acreas 600,000 GBFand would be interested in having our slash piles chipped instead of burned. Is there any advantage? We are feeling like we can not get them all burned in time for planting in the fall. 11 years 10 months 1
Can a Power co. that has a ROW thru the property from one side to the other cut accross land not in the ROW 7 years 3 months 1
I love your site but i am looking for a woodland forum of sorts. I can find homesteading forums with ease but have issues with the other. Any help? 10 years 5 months 1
My pine forest understory is plagued with sassafras. Other than regular cutting, is there any way to discourage it? 11 years 7 months 1
What considerations are needed to clear overgrown portion of my property and develop into healthy ecosystem 10 years 3 weeks 1
How do i improve my woods for wildlife 9 years 6 months 1
NE Florida Eastern Nassua plots for deers...currently liming to raise low ph 11 years 1 month 1
New Land Owner of 80 Acres in Dale Co SO - HELP! 9 years 4 weeks 1
What is the best distance from the tree line to protect your home in the woods? 10 years 11 months 1
is there a way to get a quantity of buckskin tamarack seedlings through any program in mi? 12 years 2 months 1
Has any research been done on the fire risk from the use of candle powered party balloons? 10 years 10 months 1
How do I find out how much my pine timber is worth, and sell it? 11 years 10 months 1
some kind of white fungus on the bark of my white pines 10 years 4 months 1
My pond is starting to develop quite a bit of green algae, what can I do to stop this before it becomes a problem? 11 years 7 months 1
Why do loggers say they can not cut large live oak trees? 9 years 11 months 1
aerial photo's update 11 years 3 months 1
We are requesting information about possible tax abatement programs for our property in NYS 11 years 1 month 1
When I click on a goal there is supposed to be a list of suggestions to help me reach that goal but nothing happens other than the goal (+) highlights in green. 12 years 7 months 1
I was looking to hinge cut some young oaks but really afraid of the oak wilt. Will leaving wounded hinge cut oaks for deer jeopradize the surrounding trees. Aslo in southern Mi, we have two cherry varieties, Black and ?. They appear to have adolesent 9 years 3 weeks 1
What is the preferred spacing for Longleaf if straw production is planned? 10 years 11 months 1
Is the Quantum GIS open source package something landowners could use? 12 years 1 month 1
How do I obtain a Forest Management plan for Spokane County Assessors 8 years 5 months 1
What steps to take to stop illegal tree harvesting (poaching) 10 years 9 months 1
how do I change the appearance of my map? 11 years 10 months 1
"Clear and plant" versus "let nature takes its course" 11 years 10 months 1
logging 10 years 3 months 1
How to get rid of Buckthorn? 11 years 7 months 1
We like to cut the open sections in our land to keep them free of trees. When is the best time to do the cutting? 9 years 11 months 1
My land was logged a few years back and many ferns have grown in the open areas. Do ferns offer any value. I am considering mowing them down where I can, then planting pine seedlings or plants to attract wildlife. Any suggestions? 11 years 4 months 1
do i need to get a survey in order to have my property logged 5 years 5 months 1
Is their a easy way to hide all layers on my map and then just add back the layer I want to work on? 11 years 1 month 1
Problem with editing features on the map 12 years 6 months 1
How much would I have to pay a forester to hire a logger and sell the pine trees from my land? 9 years 3 weeks 1
Can I grow live oaks as part of a tree farm? If so, how far apart should I plant them? 10 years 11 months 1
How to get rid of huckleberry on the forest floor to allow regeneration? 10 years 9 months 1
There is a massive die off of Jeffery and Ponderosa pines from bark beetles on my land... 11 years 10 months 1
I recently purchased two acres and home for major renovation. I have a wealth of trees, several of which I need to remove for construction. Rather than pay a tree specialist to cut and remove them without knowing where they go, can I bring someone in 10 years 3 months 1
How do I contrl vines growing up /around my newly planted tree's. Choking them out. 6 acres patially affected. 11 years 7 months 1
Hunt deer property has 8- 13 years Old pine 9 years 11 months 1
How do you control Russian olive? 11 years 4 months 1
What is the average cost per acre for a forester to mark trees for thinning / harvesting in Iron County, Wisconsin? 5 years 4 months 1
Can I add points of interest to my map that I collect in the field with my handheld gps unit? 11 years 3 weeks 1
Is there a way that I can use latitude and longitude to draw boundary? 12 years 6 months 1
tree sale 9 years 2 weeks 1
How can we compare our financial return of our purchased & managed timberland with the stock market 10 years 11 months 1
Need help to develop plan for our property of 300 acres in Lycoming county. Woods, Lake, stream and open fields 12 years 3 weeks 1
From a forester, I want to know if it costs for an initial visit from a forester to assess my forestry needs. 8 years 4 months 1
What determines which foresters are listed in the list of foresters? 10 years 9 months 1
Which is better for a tree farms under 200 acres, setting up an LLC or LFP? 11 years 9 months 1
What is the going rate for commision on timber sales? 11 years 6 months 1

