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Question Post datesort descending Answers
What needs to be done to keep my woodlands free of Poison Ivy? 12 years 1 month 2
How do I make my woods more resistant to insect attack? 12 years 3 weeks 2
When I click on a goal there is supposed to be a list of suggestions to help me reach that goal but nothing happens other than the goal (+) highlights in green. 12 years 4 days 1
Problem with editing features on the map 11 years 11 months 1
Is there a way that I can use latitude and longitude to draw boundary? 11 years 11 months 1
I seem to have lost the ability of figuring out acerage when drawing a polygon. Is there settings I messed up? 11 years 11 months 1
We are interested in leasing out our land. Need assistance leasing it out. Thanks! 11 years 9 months 1
how do i keep sweet gum trees out my woods 11 years 9 months 1
How can I share my MyLandPlan site with other family members? 11 years 8 months 1
Maple trees in my oak stand 11 years 8 months 2
My family has a tree farm in Massachusetts and I am curious, is it standard for a forester to apply a fee based on the percentage of timber sale or an hourly rate? 11 years 8 months 1
As a member of AFF can I post a Tree Farm sign on my property? 11 years 8 months 1
how do I save and print a copy of my plan so i do not have to always have a computer with me? 11 years 8 months 1
Road Improvement 11 years 7 months 1
How do I develop a written plan that conforms to the certification standards of ATFS? 11 years 7 months 1
Why you? 11 years 7 months 1
After drawing the property boundaries, the area is highlighted, making the photo difficult to use. How do you remove the hilight? 11 years 7 months 1
is there a way to get a quantity of buckskin tamarack seedlings through any program in mi? 11 years 7 months 1
Is the Quantum GIS open source package something landowners could use? 11 years 6 months 1
Do you work in central MN? 11 years 6 months 2
Need help to develop plan for our property of 300 acres in Lycoming county. Woods, Lake, stream and open fields 11 years 6 months 1
What do I need to do to comply with SSPRA requirements? 11 years 6 months 1
I am trying to register as a Forester, don 11 years 5 months 1
import map features 11 years 5 months 1
my company offers silvicultutal services in NC SC Ga. and Va. 11 years 5 months 1
Where to start? 11 years 5 months 1
How do you recommend I conduct small scale logging in steep terrain? 11 years 5 months 1
When we put the property line on the photos, the area becomes shaded and you cannot see the photo. 11 years 4 months 1
What kind of bugs are these. 11 years 4 months 1
Is there a way to print a full report of my plan? 11 years 4 months 1
Cloudy pond 11 years 4 months 2
A couple questions 11 years 4 months 1
We recently logged our property about 38 acreas 600,000 GBFand would be interested in having our slash piles chipped instead of burned. Is there any advantage? We are feeling like we can not get them all burned in time for planting in the fall. 11 years 3 months 1
How do I find out how much my pine timber is worth, and sell it? 11 years 3 months 1
how do I change the appearance of my map? 11 years 3 months 1
"Clear and plant" versus "let nature takes its course" 11 years 3 months 1
There is a massive die off of Jeffery and Ponderosa pines from bark beetles on my land... 11 years 3 months 1
Which is better for a tree farms under 200 acres, setting up an LLC or LFP? 11 years 2 months 1
I already have a written management plan as a Word Doc. How can I link or download that to My Land Plan? 11 years 2 months 1
A pipeline easement has clearcut a 90 x 1500 ft plot of forested land in my 100 A in central Ohio. 11 years 1 month 1
Is it a good idea to implement hinge cutting on my property? How do I identify the best are to hing cut? 11 years 1 month 1
Names of reliable foresters and loggers near my property 11 years 1 month 1
We are clearing 13 acres in NE texas. we will plant pine and oak next january/february. how do I control weeds,grass and new tree groth in the next 7-8 months? 11 years 1 month 2
What do I do? The vast majority of the trees are Basswood and they have were mostly destroyed... 11 years 1 month 1
How to determine payment for managing? How to get rid of Japan Grass? 11 years 1 month 1
Is there a preferred method/time of year to transplant a wild birch tree to my home? 11 years 1 month 2
what do we do next - I have profiled our property but unsure on next steps to execute the plan. 11 years 1 month 1
Assisting beavers to save trees? 11 years 1 month 1
What is the typical commission a registered forester should receive on a timber sale he assists me with ? 11 years 1 month 1
My pine forest understory is plagued with sassafras. Other than regular cutting, is there any way to discourage it? 11 years 1 month 1

