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Question Post datesort descending Answers
Land management, Tree planting 9 years 11 months 1
When to burn? 9 years 10 months 1
First thin ... 9 years 10 months 1
Effective Management 9 years 9 months 1
I would like to add to my forest whatever I can to help the bee population. Any ideas? 9 years 9 months 1
I have an "island" of land that is accessed across a river/creek and is the only access point, when it rains the water fills up the "gully" and accessed cannot be attained. What do you think is the best method of creating a crossing from main road to the 9 years 8 months 1
Just bought 17 acres of land in Kansas along a river. How do I contact Forestry personnel for information? 9 years 8 months 1
I will be clearing some trees on my property to make room for a house. How can I determine if there is any timber that coudl be sold for profit? 9 years 8 months 1
Interested in learning more about my property, if it's possible to selectively cut trees 9 years 7 months 1
I have donated April or may 2014 and 2015, 9 years 6 months 1
I would like to sell the pine trees off of my land, how do I find a buyer? 9 years 6 months 1
How do i improve my woods for wildlife 9 years 6 months 1
Poison Ivy 9 years 6 months 1
I need someone to help do inventory and help with sale of timber 9 years 5 months 1
I need a forester in or around north west mo. 9 years 4 months 1
How much land can you own and still receive gov. assistence for management? 9 years 3 months 1
Should I allow a third party to use my land for access to someone else's timber cutting? 9 years 2 months 1
my neighbor illegally hired a logger to cut 62 trees to sell from my property. what can be done about this? 9 years 2 months 1
I'm in unadilla,ga, clear cutting 9 acres or oaks, old pine stumps. Think of planting,persimmons,chest nut, saw tooth oaks, peaches, 9 years 2 months 1
Coppicing for sustainable woodlot 9 years 1 month 1
in like to be tree farm certified 9 years 1 month 1
New Land Owner of 80 Acres in Dale Co SO - HELP! 9 years 1 month 1
I was looking to hinge cut some young oaks but really afraid of the oak wilt. Will leaving wounded hinge cut oaks for deer jeopradize the surrounding trees. Aslo in southern Mi, we have two cherry varieties, Black and ?. They appear to have adolesent 9 years 3 weeks 1
How much would I have to pay a forester to hire a logger and sell the pine trees from my land? 9 years 3 weeks 1
tree sale 9 years 2 weeks 1
Have 2 creeks and medium river bordering property. river floods creeks and water holding areas. how do i manage flooding? 9 years 1 week 1
I have about 20 acres of land that I would like to cut down some of the trees on for profit. 8 years 11 months 1
New Timber Landowner. Completely Overwhelmed. 8 years 11 months 1
How can I make my land better? For wildlife and overall enjoyment of walking or hiking? 8 years 11 months 1
Biomass 8 years 9 months 1
Sample Plan 8 years 9 months 1
Approximately what are walnut trees worth? 8 years 9 months 1
Can anyone advice me on plants that can assist in the remediation of acidic soil. 8 years 8 months 1
Looking for a herbicide that will kill sweet gum and honey locust in pine plantation using hack and squirt method. 8 years 7 months 1
Biomas Value 8 years 5 months 1
I have ash trees in their second year of emerald ash borer. Is there anything that can be done to save the trees? Also I have old and young willow trees next to my pond and two of four have died this year. Any thoughts on why? 8 years 5 months 1
creating deer bedding area 8 years 5 months 1
Questions about buying equipment to cut slabs of lumber from downed trees. 8 years 5 months 2
How do I obtain a Forest Management plan for Spokane County Assessors 8 years 5 months 1
For 25 years we are overwelmed with marijuana plants growing on our wood lot. We have cut them down and burned them and used herbicide but they keep coming back in a new location. What can we do to get rid of them. 8 years 4 months none
From a forester, I want to know if it costs for an initial visit from a forester to assess my forestry needs. 8 years 4 months 1
How do you document the price recieved and the amount of timber in a Timber Deed? 8 years 4 months 1
I currently purchased 30+ acres and I have had some people say that I need to clear cut and start over and some say thin it. 8 years 4 months none
What activities or tasks do I need to do to accomplish "fire mitigation" of my property? 8 years 3 months none
so i have just over 4 acres and was wondering if i could sell any of the timber on it ? 8 years 3 months none
NC Fire season 8 years 2 months none
Are there any financial assistance programs to enhance wildlife, in particular whitetail deer, on an 1100 acre tract used for hunting in South Carolina. 8 years 2 weeks none
what bug is attacking aspens? 8 years 2 weeks 1
I have a five ac thinned loblolly plantation in Mobile County. DBH 12-16 dbh with an understory of yaupon that is 12 to 15 ft tall on average. 7 years 11 months 1
Is there a good ratio of different tree species to have? 7 years 8 months none

